Equipment and Accessories for Pressurized Ultrafiltration

When a centrifuge is unavailable, greater process control is required, or individual samples need to be concentrated, Vivaspin® 20 and Vivacell 100 centrifugal concentrators can be operated using positive pressure.
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Pressurized ultrafiltration enables convenient sample concentration without the need for centrifugation. This method ensures unrivalled convenience when access to an appropriate centrifuge is limited, only one sample needs to be processed, or the sample to be concentrated must be handled with greater care or at low temperatures.

Pressurization is also especially suited to the concentration of samples such as membrane proteins and complexes, because shear stresses to which these sample types can be particularly sensitive are minimized when compared to centrifugation.

With Vivaspin® 20, even faster sample processing is possible, by combining pressurization with centrifugation. This method of pressure-fugation is unique to Sartorius and is recommended especially for difficult-to-filter samples, such as serum, or when lower process temperatures are required. Similarly, process speeds can be increased with Vivacell 100, by placing the device on an orbital shaker while pressurized.

For pressurized ultrafiltration, Sartorius offers easy-to-use equipment and accessories, including an Air Pressure Controller and specially designed Pressure Heads.
