CIMac™ Analytical Columns combine all elaborate characteristics of CIM monoliths at analytical scale and are your perfect tool for analysis and control of manufacturing processes, ideal for process analytical technology (PAT). Designed for fast and reproducible HPLC monitoring and quantitation of proteins, viruses, pDNA, and other large biomolecules, they allow you to achieve rapid, high-resolution and flow-independent separations in a matter of minutes.
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Products (10)
QA modified for AAV (strong anion exchanger, quaternary amine)
0.1 mL
1.3 µm
QA modified for Adeno (strong anion exchanger, quaternary amine)
0.1 mL
2 µm
DEAE (weak anion exchanger, diethylamino)
0.1 mL
1.3 µm
EDA (weak anion exchanger, ethylene diamine)
0.1 mL
1.3 µm
DEAE (weak anion exchanger, diethylamino)
0.3 mL
1.4 µm
QA (strong anion exchanger, quaternary amine)
0.1 mL
1.3 µm
r-Protein A (affinity, recombinant protein A produced from E. Coli coupled to CDI-preactivated support)
0.1 mL
2 µm
CIMac™ Analytical Columns were primarily designed for the in-process and final control of various samples at different stages of the purification process. They can be operated at high volumetric flow rates (from 1 to 20 column volumes/min); therefore, the information about the product quantity and purity can be obtained within a few minutes.
Product Information