Incucyte® Scratch Wound Analysis Software Module
Top Features of the Incucyte® Scratch Wound Analysis Software Module
- Automated detection and quantification of wounds from each well of a 96-well plate in order to analyze cell migration and invasion with or without labels
- The integrated analysis algorithm automatically masks each image to identify the position of the wounded (cell-free) and unwounded (cell-occupied) zones, to deliver robust measurements of wound width, wound confluence and relative wound density (RWD) for the entire time-course of the experiment.
Popular Applications for the Incucyte® Scratch Wound Analysis Software Module
- Scratch Wound Migration and Invasion
- Item No.:
- 9600-0012
Choose your Incucyte® Software
An integrated solution enables real-time visualization and assessment of cell morphology in scratch wound assays (both label free and fluorescently labeled) up to six 96-well plates at once – all inside your tissue culture incubator.
User can visualize cell migration and invasion, and assess morphological changes in real time with the scratch wound method. Assays are flexible, quantitative and easily reproducible with the Incucyte® Woundmaker Tool and Inccuyte® Imagelock Plates. The Incucyte® Scratch Wound Analysis Software Module enables to monitor and quantify cell movements across a substrate (migration) or through a 3D gel matrix (invasion) in the same plate, up to six 96-well plates at once, and has been validated with a wide range of adherent primary, immortalized and tumor cell types.
Application Notes
User Manual
ApplicationScratch Wound Migration and Invasion Assays
Device/Instrument Compatibility
- S3
Product Information
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