Incucyte® Scratch Wound Analysis Software Module

Top Features of the Incucyte® Scratch Wound Analysis Software Module

  • Automated detection and quantification of wounds from each well of a 96-well plate in order to analyze cell migration and invasion with or without labels
  • The integrated analysis algorithm automatically masks each image to identify the position of the wounded (cell-free) and unwounded (cell-occupied) zones, to deliver robust measurements of wound width, wound confluence and relative wound density (RWD) for the entire time-course of the experiment.

Popular Applications for the Incucyte® Scratch Wound Analysis Software Module

  • Scratch Wound Migration and Invasion

Item No.: 

*Custom/bulk order quotes are provided within 24 hours of request.

An integrated solution enables real-time visualization and assessment of cell morphology in scratch wound assays (both label free and fluorescently labeled) up to six 96-well plates at once – all inside your tissue culture incubator.

User can visualize cell migration and invasion, and assess morphological changes in real time with the scratch wound method. Assays are flexible, quantitative and easily reproducible with the Incucyte® Woundmaker Tool and Inccuyte® Imagelock Plates. The Incucyte® Scratch Wound Analysis Software Module enables to monitor and quantify cell movements across a substrate (migration) or through a 3D gel matrix (invasion) in the same plate, up to six 96-well plates at once, and has been validated with a wide range of adherent primary, immortalized and tumor cell types.


  • Application
    Scratch Wound Migration and Invasion Assays


  • Device/Instrument Compatibility
    • SX5
    • SX1
    • S3

Product Information

  • Brand
  • Incucyte® Cell Migration Kit

    Kit contains the components needed to create 96 precise, uniform cell free zones across multiple Incucyte® Imagelock 96-well Plates. Includes the Incucyte® Woundmaker Tool (Cat. No. 4563), two Incucyte® Woundmaker 96-well Rinse Boat Assemblies, 15 Incucyte® Imagelock 96-well Plates and sachet of Alconox.

    For use in Incucyte® Scratch Wound Assays, the Incucyte® Scratch Wound Analysis Software Module (Cat. No. 9600-0012), sold separately, is required for automated acquisition and analysis of cell migration images.

    Note: This product is not returnable. If you have any issues with this product, please contact your Sartorius sales representative for assistance.

  • Incucyte® Imagelock 96-well Plate

    Incucyte® 96-well microtiter plates
    96-well microtiter plates that enable precise, scan-to-scan repeat imaging of the same field of view, allowing for cell motility studies as well as time-lapse image registration required for precise movie generation.

    Top Features of the Incucyte® Imagelock 96-well Plate

    • Fiducial markings to ensure image locations can be accurately referenced
    • Quantification of cell migration and invasion when used with the Incucyte® 96-well Woundmaker Tool
    • Compatible with Incucyte® Live-Cell Analysis Systems and integrated software

    Popular Applications for the Incucyte® Imagelock 96-well Plate

    • Generate multi-day, long-term live-cell movies with precise repeat scanning
    • Various applications, including scratch wound migration and invasions assays

    Note: This product is not returnable. If you have any issues with this product, please contact your Sartorius sales representative for assistance.

  • Incucyte® Imagelock 96-well Plate

    Incucyte® 96-well microtiter plates
    96-well microtiter plates that enable precise, scan-to-scan repeat imaging of the same field of view, allowing for cell motility studies as well as time-lapse image registration required for precise movie generation.

    Top Features of the Incucyte® Imagelock 96-well Plate

    • Fiducial markings to ensure image locations can be accurately referenced
    • Quantification of cell migration and invasion when used with the Incucyte® 96-well Woundmaker Tool
    • Compatible with Incucyte® Live-Cell Analysis Systems and integrated software

    Popular Applications for the Incucyte® Imagelock 96-well Plate

    • Generate multi-day, long-term live-cell movies with precise repeat scanning
    • Various applications, including scratch wound migration and invasions assays

    Note: This product is not returnable. If you have any issues with this product, please contact your Sartorius sales representative for assistance.

  • Incucyte® Nuclight Red Lentivirus  (EF1a, Puro)

    One vial of lentivirus reagent (>1x106 TU/mL) suitable for transducing cells with a non-perturbing, nuclear restricted red fluorescent label driven off an EF1α promoter. Stable cell lines can be created under puromycin selection.

    Top Features of Incucyte® Nuclight Red Lentivirus (EF1a, Puro)

    • Label cells efficiently and homogenously using a nuclear-restricted red fluorescent protein
    • Study long-term changes in proliferation by generating stably expressing cell lines
    • Quantify true cell counts in mono- or co-culture kinetic assays

    Popular Applications for Incucyte® Nuclight Red Lentivirus (EF1a, Puro)

    • Nuclear labeling and real-time quantitation of cell proliferation and viability
    • Multiplexed analyses of apoptosis and cytotoxicity assays when combined with other fluorescent reagents
    • Study immune cell-killing and the interaction of immune cells with target cancer cells

    Note: This product is not returnable. If you have any issues with this product, please contact your Sartorius sales representative for assistance.

  • Incucyte® Nuclight Green Lentivirus (EF1a, Bleo)

    One vial of lentivirus reagent (>1x106 TU/mL) suitable for transducing cells with a non-perturbing, with a non-perturbing nuclear restricted green fluorescent label driven off an EF1α promoter). Stable cell lines can be created under bleomycin selection.

    Note: This product is not returnable. If you have any issues with this product, please contact your Sartorius sales representative for assistance.

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